posted by Rob 17 Feb 2019
Corbyn is not antisemitic
Anti Zionism is not anti Semitism and the deliberate semantic conflation of the two shall have the same effects as redefining "racism" in the Obama era to encompass basically all white people and only white people - the prejudice plus power definition was to conflate Racism and Systemic Racism, ridiculously during the first black presidency, the effect of this was to make loads of people say "I am a racist" and totally took the sting out of the insult and the power, even the meaning, out of the word. It is a semantic battle, as Jordan Peterson says, the battle is in the language. The issue is the difference between the Labour parties, old fashioned definition of anti Semitism, being anti - Semitic people, and the holocaust memorials new declared global norm definition of anti Semitism, , which has been broadened in offence to logic and the English language to include not only any opposition to anything Israel does but includes believing that a lot of media is controlled by Jews, that means Haaretz newspaper is antisemitic because that's where I read that first - therefore EVERYONE is antisemitic, including Semitic people, this is the problem of trying to do thought control via "newspeak" your semantics doesn't match your syntax and unexpectedly illogical results like this are likely to occur, in the effort to ban antisemitism you turn the whole world Nazi, in the effort to defend Israel you are surrounding yourself with militant sworn enemies committed to an inter generational battle, I don't want to be antisemitic but, I thought Jewish people were supposed to be clever. Not a good strategy. Oh, and Corbyn is not an antisemite, by the way, and he definitely is an anti Zionist, those are facts.
Labour's definition nearly impossible to find, they're website is rubbish and anyway I hear they've had it redefined, a glimpse in a commentary
Anti Zionism is not anti Semitism and the deliberate semantic conflation of the two shall have the same effects as redefining "racism" in the Obama era to encompass basically all white people and only white people - the prejudice plus power definition was to conflate Racism and Systemic Racism, ridiculously during the first black presidency, the effect of this was to make loads of people say "I am a racist" and totally took the sting out of the insult and the power, even the meaning, out of the word. It is a semantic battle, as Jordan Peterson says, the battle is in the language. The issue is the difference between the Labour parties, old fashioned definition of anti Semitism, being anti - Semitic people, and the holocaust memorials new declared global norm definition of anti Semitism, , which has been broadened in offence to logic and the English language to include not only any opposition to anything Israel does but includes believing that a lot of media is controlled by Jews, that means Haaretz newspaper is antisemitic because that's where I read that first - therefore EVERYONE is antisemitic, including Semitic people, this is the problem of trying to do thought control via "newspeak" your semantics doesn't match your syntax and unexpectedly illogical results like this are likely to occur, in the effort to ban antisemitism you turn the whole world Nazi, in the effort to defend Israel you are surrounding yourself with militant sworn enemies committed to an inter generational battle, I don't want to be antisemitic but, I thought Jewish people were supposed to be clever. Not a good strategy. Oh, and Corbyn is not an antisemite, by the way, and he definitely is an anti Zionist, those are facts.
Labour's definition nearly impossible to find, they're website is rubbish and anyway I hear they've had it redefined, a glimpse in a commentary